b'Some of the areas we can support with include: Coaching package: Leadership development - newleaders Building resilience, shifting perspective, and gettingstrategic about how to maximise performance. Our coach will work with new leaders on a one-to-oneWorking smarter not harder and reduce workload, confidential basis. developing more strategic perspectiveManagement of conflict situations Our free 30 minutes introductory session will explainDeveloping a greater ability to prioritise and manage the process. demands. Positive thinking and decision making Our coaching package consists of five one-hoursessions, and one wrap up session. Some of the areas we can support with include:Coaching session (per hour)Where are you now - mission, goals, values, nextstepsOur Coach will work with staff on a one-to-oneLeadership style - mindsets and behavioursconfidential basis on a range of work-related issues toHow do you apply your strengths and values?improve performance. Our coach will be the leadersWhere are your blind spots - leadership style, critical friend who will not judge and will not direct.mindset and behavioursChallenge and comfort zoneSome of the areas we can support with include:Leadership development makes an impact on the quality Improving performance and setting goalsof teaching and learning. It supports the development of Interpersonal and relationship skillsexcellence and mastery. Development of a more strategic perspectiveManagement of conflict situationsInvesting in leadership development secures good and Positive thinking and decision makingoutstanding schools.All packages booked include a free 30min introductorysession.'