b'EDUCATIONAL VISITS & EVOLVE+Option 1:Educational Visits Service - basic level:This service assists schools and settings to manage their responsibilities, and those of the LocalAuthority for the health, safety and wellbeing of children and young people when engaged in off-site visits and activities. This includes the full spectrum of visits from those which are adjacent totheschooltodistantexpeditions,includingresidentialprogrammes,fromlow-keyeverydayprovision to more challenging adventurous activities and visits overseas.How:The purchase of this service supports the management and delivery of all Learning outside theClassroom activities, including outdoor education, visits, and off-site activities. It also includes theuseofEnfielddocumentation,EVOLVEsoftware,associatedapprovalandendorsementarrangements, together with related advice and access to generic documentation.Schools and settings will be able to endorse their use of the above documentation and adoptequivalent procedures to those used by the Council.Option 2: Educational Visits with Evolve + level:This is an optional upgrade feature to the basic Educational Visits service and includes:MIS Link (link EVOLVE with schools MIS such as SIMS, Integris, ScholarPack to automatically upload data, change yeargroups, manage staff accounts, and include additional information on registers such as dietary needs, medicalinformation and contact details)Outline Approval (seek initial approval from key staff such as Cover Manager and Deputy Head before planning theactivity)e-Consent (seek e-consent from parents to save paper, money and time, as it automatically records responses onlineon the register)Shared Calendars (export key information such as Activity Name, Date, Time, Leader, etc. to external calendars such asOutlook, enabling office staff to retain an overview without logging into EVOLVE)Communication Tools (send email, SMS and mobile2mobile from EVOLVE to avoid re-creating contact groups inexternal Comms systems and send one text to a mobile number which EVOLVE automatically distributes to all contactson a register.Developing Whole School Well-BeingSpecial Offer for SecondarySchools: Buy this service andSecondary PE, get 25% Offboth products'