b'What information does Police CyberAlarm collect and how is it used once collected?ThePoliceCyberAlarmDataCollectorinstalledonyoursitefirstidentifiessuspiciousdataandbydoingsoautomaticallyfiltersoutanyinternaltrafficanddatafromknowntrustedsources.TheremainingdataisthenencryptedandtransmittedtothePoliceCyberAlarmserverswhereitiscollated,verified,analysedandsharedbetween police forces allowing them to identify new trends, patterns, and cyber-attacks. It is also then possible toidentify whether there are repeated trends or patterns on particular services, products, or devices. This informationcan be used to inform advice and guidance to member organisations and others, as well as to enable the police totake enforcement action.Each school will benefit from their own report which will include the identification of the new trends and attacksallowing them to better defend themselves against such attacks.For free advice on Police CyberAlarm, please place an order on The Hub at 0 and the EN Digital team will be intouch.'