b'ENFIELD CAREERSThe key purpose of the Enfield Careers Service is to enable young people to make successful progressions tofurthereducation,trainingandemploymentafterleavingschool,thussupportingtheindividualsuccessofpupils and the schools success with DfEs participation measure.We offer a range of careers information advice and guidance activities to enable young people from years 8-13 togain understanding and awareness of their skills, options and the world of work. This can be delivered through 1:1careers guidance, group work or other types of group activity.We work with children and young people directly as well as their parents and carers. We support schools toinnovate and share good practice locally, working with teachers and support staff including partnerships withother agencies.Benefits:The principal benefits of this service are: The service is delivered by an experienced and local team of careers advisers, with a long record of measurablesuccess, covering a wide range of interests and specialisms. Our staff can work with all pupils, including those with profound learning difficulties, gifted and talented ordisengaged. Your pupils will benefit by working with an organisation that has a long-term investment in them; they are thekey to the economic future of Enfield.ThepurchaseofthisservicewillassistschoolsandcollegestofulfilthestatutorydutieslaidoutbytheDepartment for Education, in Careers Guidance and Inspiration in Schools April 2014 to secure independentcareers guidance for all year 8-13 pupils. The purchase of this Service is compliant with Ofsted Inspection requirements.'