b'Forgotten your password/having problems logging in?Please email sts@enfield.gov.ukPrice on applicationFor services that invite you to request a quote, we willsend you a bespoke quote via email, if you are happy Priceswith the price simply click buy it now and this will checkout the order on your behalf.Its as simple as that. Prices listed in this brochure exclude VAT andapply from April 2025 to March 2026. HoweverEnfieldCouncilreservestherighttoamendpricesfromtimetime.Up-to-datepricescanInvoicing terms be found on The Hub.Annual subscription orders will be invoiced for the fullamount in May 2025.Invoicingtermsforpriceonapplicationservicesandquotes will be agreed at the time of quoting. SLA Notice PeriodPayrollservicesareinvoicedtwiceayear IfyoudonotwishtorenewanexistingSLA,(retrospectively),Musicservicesareinvoiced pleasegetintouchwiththeservice.Pleasetermly(retrospectively)Groundsmaintenanceservices ensure this is done taking the 3 month noticeareinvoicedondeliveryandWaste&Recyclingare period into considerationinvoiced from the 1st of April.'