b'GOVERNOR TRAININGGovernors have a crucial role in the leadership and management of their school. Our new, exciting and thoroughtrainingprogrammegivesyouaccesstoexpertadviceandinformation,tohelpguideyouaseffectivelyaspossible through an array of roles and responsibilities.Governors have a crucial role in the leadership and management of their school. Our new, excitingand thorough training programme gives you access to expert advice and information, to help guideyou as effectively as possible through an array of roles and responsibilities.Training brings the challenges of everyday governance to life and provides governors with theconfidence needed to make a positive difference in schools. Our programme includes face to face and on-line training. As we are currently collaborating withmanyLondonauthoritiesthesharedon-linesessionswillprovidetheopportunitytowidenknowledge base and extend network possibilities.For additional information and to order this service for your school, please visit The Hub.The programme is on the Enfield Professional Learning Development website: https://traded.enfield.gov.uk/thehub/professional-learning-portal/governors'