b'INVENTRYAs an authorised reseller for InVentry, the EN Digital team are specialists in the installation of the sign-in andvisitor management solution for Primary and Secondary schools.With the ability to integrate into a wide array of MIS systems, InVentry is used in over 8,000 schools and transformsthe efficiency of entry into your school and provides secure digital data on every entry or exit; giving you maximumtraceability for staff,contractors and visitors.The InVentry system is designed with both GDPR and safeguarding in mind. The sign in software, applications andequipment have been developed to be the most reliable of their kind.One Fully Managed Solution: Providing a fully managed solution, from software to purpose built hardware andtechnical support.Secure: Know who is onsite at any given time.Professional: Create the right impression first time, every time.Trusted: Has a 99.7% retention rate.'