b'School Improvement Package One: 9 days School Improvement Package Three: 5 daysThe following suggestions are examples of how the The following suggestions are examples of how thedays could be used. Schools would discuss how to use days could be used. Schools would discuss how to usetheir days with the Link Adviser. their days with the Link Adviser.Feedback on the school self-evaluation andforward plan (1 day - half day onsite, half day prep Four additional half day link adviser visits (3 daysand write up) including write up time)Curriculum health check (2.5 daystwo advisers One day review from link adviser (1.5 dayson site for one day, plus prep and write up time) including prep and write up time)Working with three middle leaders to support and Half day quality website checkchallenge the quality of curriculum (curriculumconversations 1.5 days on site for one day, plus Although purchasing the above packages provide anprep and write up time) improved economy of scale for schools, you can opt to2 targeted learning walks (2 daysfour hours on purchase individual elements of these three packages.site per walk and write up)Interviews with Governors and pupils (1 day toinclude prep and interviewing Governors andpupils) Peer to peer reviews with external QA4.5 daysTargeted Ofsted support and Ofsted training forstaff and Governors (1 day including prep time, and This is based on three schools wishing to work together.for two sessions, one with each group) The total price quoted is split between the threeparticipating schools. If you would like to do this with adifferent number of schools, please ask for a price. School Improvement Package Two: 6.5 days 1 day for the adviser to consult with the schools,arrange dates and hold a scoping meeting with theThe following suggestions are examples of how the three headteachersdays could be used. Schools would discuss how to use 1 day per school for the adviser to work with thetheir days with the Link Adviser. heads in each school to conduct a review0.5 days for adviser to follow up (write up willCurriculum health checks (2.5 daystwo advisers happen in the final review meeting of each dayon site for one day, plus half a day prep and write onsite.)up time)Working with three middle leaders to support and Function: Headteacher Performance Managementchallenge the quality of curriculum (curriculumconversations) (1.5 days including prep and write Half a day as external adviser. This is offered at noup time) cost to school for all LBE maintained schools.2 targeted learning walks (2 daysfour hours onsite per walk and write up) Outcome: Acts as a supportive and challenging partnerHalf day quality website check by an annual meeting with headteachers and supportfor governors. Raising attainment for all pupils,A number of these activities would be expected to run including vulnerable groups.concurrently.In addition to these packages, we offer a bespoke halfday consultancy fee of 330 and a full day fee chargedat 600. These are standard consultancy fees whereasin some cases an expert consultant may have a higherdaily charge. Please email sts@enfield.gov.uk with Please email sts@enfield.gov.uk with details of details of your bespoke requirement so we can priceyour bespoke requirement so we can price and and advise accordingly.advise accordingly.'