b"EPS Model for 2025/26Summer term 2025For the past two years, the EPS has operated with an Educational Psychologist (EP) / Assistant EP ratio model.Assistant EPs work in partnership with HCPC registered EPs. We will be continuing to offer this model for the summerterm 2025.We have maintained the ratio of EP to Assistant EP depending on days purchased. The day rate is dependent on the number of days schools purchase and takes into account the cost differential for EPand/or Assistant EPs. EPS Model for 2025/26Autumn 2025 & Spring 2026 terms Due to successful recruitment and retention of our EPs, we are pleased to be able to offer schools the opportunity topurchase the amount of EP days they would like from Sept 2025, all of which can be delivered by a qualified EP orTrainee EP. We know that many of our schools have valued the Assistant EP role in their school, so we are also offering schoolsthe opportunity to purchase Assistant EP time for training and interventions in school. This time cannot be used forindividual casework.There are full details of what our Assistant EPs can offer on the EPS Website.As requested, schools will be able to buy into individual or group supervision/reflective practice support.We strongly encourage schools to request what they want now to avoid disappointment, ss we are unlikely to be ableto fulfil mid-year purchasing requests. Impact of the EPSThe EPS evaluates all of our work, using parent/carer and school surveys and other approaches. You can read a fullevaluation of the impact of each aspect of our work in our Annual Report on ourEPS Website.Early Bird rates available before 7th February 2025Parents and carers say:I just wanted to thank you for taking the time out of your day to listen to our concerns andsupport us through this process. We sinceArell costings and coursely appreciate this from the/work bottom of our heshops content can bearts. viewedon The Hub.As parents, we were very pleased to have an EP involved with our child. Involvement from an EPhas given us invaluable reassurance that our child's neAll courses and workeds have beshops areen and will be price takd individually.en intoaccount and has given us and the school further strategies to support them. Thank you! I feel that things have moved very quick which is impressive and they have given me reassurancethat my son will receive the support that is well needed.I really appreciate your help and the time you spent talking to me to understand everything aboutmy child and his needs - I also felt really heard and understood too, so thank you for that as well asthat doesnt happen too often!"